Child Support Lawyer in Novato, Marin County
Understanding child support when you are getting divorced and have a child, or children, one of the key issues that will be decided is child support. Using a child support attorney in Novato is the simple solution to lead to a smooth conclusion. The process begins with a judge analyzes child support in relation to the other critically important issue, child custody. For example, if you are granted full custody of your child, then a judge will likely order your spouse to pay child support so you can handle the financial obligations associated with raising a child. An experienced Novato family law attorney can help you navigate the complexities and deal with any necessary child support modifications.
Child Support Laws in California are Unique
Child support laws in California are unique and vary greatly when compared to child support payment and alimony laws in other states. For example, a California family court adheres to a specific set of guidelines to determine the amount of child support that will be ordered.
California Family Code Section 4053 governs the allocation of child support enforcement in California. You should know that both parents, whether you are the custodial parent or non custodial parent, are responsible for providing financial support to the development and progress of their child, or children. There can be child support guidelines on what to expect, and working with a Novato, CA, child support attorney can help this process because each case is different depending on the circumstances.
How Child Support is Calculated
The guidelines governing the allocation of child support enforcement include the following:
- Your income
- Your Spouse’s Income
- The Number Of Children Involved in your divorce
- Your child’s healthcare expenses
- Your child’s education expenses
- Whether you or your spouse are currently supporting a child from a prior relationship
Things to keep in mind For
Child Support & Income

What Happens When You or Your Spouse Does Not Work and Has No Income
If one parent did not work and has not earned taxable income in a number of years, there is a very good chance that the other parent will be ordered to provide a larger child support payment to ensure their child maintains their standard of living.

What Happens If Your Spouse Suddenly Quits Their Job and Claims to Have No Income?
There are instances when a parent will try to avoid paying child support payments by quitting their job and/or reducing their hours in a concerted effort to limit their exposure to a larger child support order. However, judges in California are empowered to “impute” income to the parent who engages in these deceptive actions.
Parents Can Negotiate an Amicable Child Support Order
It is important to know that parents have the opportunity to reach an amicable agreement when it comes to a child support case. Using a child support attorney in Novato can help both parties mitigate the process and avoid the courtroom. Once an agreement is reached, it will be submitted to the child support office and reviewed by the judge for approval. However, it is important to ensure that your child support agreement contains the following information:

The parents expressly state that they understand their legal rights

Neither parent was forced or coerced to enter into the support agreement

The parents believe that the support agreement is in the best interest of their child, or children
If the court finds that the child support agreement contains an amount that is in fact in best interest of your child, or children, it will approve the agreement and issue a child support order.

Have Questions About Your Rights And Obligations Related To Child Support?
If You Have Questions About Your Legal Rights And Obligations Pertaining To Child Support, Castro Law Offices, P.C. Is Ready And Able To Help.
Castro Law Offices, P.C. is a premier California law firm specializing in child support services, issues, divorce, child custody, and all other issues concerning domestic relations. Castro Law Offices, P.C. is based in Novato, California, but is ready and able to provide legal services and advice to clients in and around Marin County including Novato, San Rafael, Greenbrae, San Anselmo, Fairfax, Sausalito, Larkspur, West Marin, Ross, Mill Valley and Corte Madera. Contact Castro Law Offices, P.C. today to schedule a confidential consultation.