Jeremy Castro
Jeremy is an honorably-discharged U.S. Coast Guard veteran who served his country from 2007 to 2014 aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Munro (WHEC-724) homeported out of Kodiak, Alaska, and as a Marine Science Technician in Alameda, California and Paducah, Kentucky.
After becoming a parent while stationed in Paducah in 2013, Jeremy separated from the Coast Guard to return to the Bay Area to establish a relationship with his son. At that time, Jeremy’s primary goal became to attend law school in order to help those parents who care deeply about their children, but are struggling to establish a relationship and custody of them.
Jeremy’s passion quickly became pursuing a career in the legal profession allowing him to do that which he is so passionate about and contribute to keeping families together. Jeremy completed his B.A. and Juris Doctorate from Golden Gate University in San Francisco, California.
As a parent, Jeremy understands the stress and trauma associated with child custody and child support disputes. More importantly, Jeremy understands the heightened-degree of importance and sensitivity of these disputes to those parents who try so hard to be involved in the lives of their children, but for one reason or another are blocked from doing so and whose great and valiant efforts often go unnoticed.
Based on his experience at the Family Violence Law Center in Oakland, a non-profit organization dedicated to cases involving domestic violence, Jeremy understands and empathizes with those who have fear of leaving an abusive relationship.
Prior to opening his office, Jeremy worked for Roberta Laub-Rode of Amigos Immigration in San Rafael where he provided assistance to dozens of clients in preparing their Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) immigration matters in counties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
Throughout his childhood, Jeremy’s father, a Colombian native, only spoke to him in Spanish. Thanks to his father, extended family in Colombia, his multiple trips to and sixth-grade year in Arauca, Colombia, Jeremy is now bilingual and fluent in Spanish.

Veteran Owned

Spanish Speaking

Serving the Bay Area
Practice Areas

Child Custody
A child custody order allows you to make important educational and medical decisions regarding your child as well as determines whether you will share in joint physical custody with your child’s other parent or if one parent will have sole physical custody custody of the child. A child custody order may provide a pathway for immigrant children to obtain special immigrant juvenile status who have been abused, abandoned or neglected by one or both of their parents with whom reunification is not possible.

Custody, Support and Visitation Modification
If you have experienced a significant change in circumstances, then you may request to modify your current custody, visitation or support order.

In California, it is possible to establish parentage by securing an official parentage judgment or a court order that states the legal parents of the child. A parentage judgment is required before a court will order custody, visitation, or child support payments.

Domestic Violence
An individual can seek a domestic violence restraining order against his or her (1) spouse or former spouse, (2) cohabitant or former cohabitant, (3) a person with whom he or she is having, or has had, a dating or engagement relationship, (4) a person with whom he or she has had a child, or (5) close relative such as a child, sibling, parent, in-law or grandparent.

Spousal and
Domestic Support
When a marriage or domestic partnership ends, the court may award spousal or domestic support long enough or until the supported party becomes self-supporting.

Child Support
Child support must be for the benefit of the child and allows the child to have the same standard of living while living in the homes of both parents as well as pays for the child’s necessary living expenses.

In California, the adoption process is comprised of two key legal proceedings:1. Establishing a legal parent and child relationship between the child and the non-biological parent, or parents2. Terminating the legal rights of one or more biological-birth parents It’s important to realized that the adoption laws for both step-parent and independent adoption are complicated and best handled by an experienced adoption lawyer.

In legal terms, a divorce is a legal decree entered by a judge that formally ends a marriage before you or your spouse’s death. Once a divorce is finalized, you and your ex-spouse are no longer legally bound to one another and are able to remarry or enter into a domestic partnership with another individual.

Civil Harassment restraining orders
In legal terms, a divorce is a legal decree entered by a judge that formally ends a marriage before you or your spouse’s death. Once a divorce is finalized, you and your ex-spouse are no longer legally bound to one another and are able to remarry or enter into a domestic partnership with another individual.

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